Brownie Gifts

These Brownie gifts are perfect for new and existing Brownies. They are colourful, Brownie branded, practical, and an ideal gift for any occasion.

Brownies backpack

Our Brownies backpack is back and features our new robot character and iconic yellow and brown. It’s the perfect accessory for girls aged 7-10 with a mesh bottle holder, zip pocket and adjustable straps.

Girl Guiding Brownies Badge Book NEW official product

Brownies Badge Book Girl Guiding NEW Official Product LATEST VERSION

This book houses all the information your Brownies need to earn their interest badges. This Brownies badge book is also a tool to support the girl with keeping track of her progress towards skills builders, theme awards and her Brownies Gold award.  

Brownies sling bag New

Brownies sling bag New

Great for taking your bits and pieces to Brownie meetings, this sling bag will comfortably fit your water bottle, jacket and any other bits you need!


Girlguiding blanket All sections

This multi-section soft fleece blanket is ideal for snuggling up when away on camp or holiday, it’s lightweight yet will keep you toasty warm. It can grow with you on your Guiding journey – carrying your badges from Rainbows through to adulthood
